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We need volunteers to assist with all events because their support will give Adonai the opportunity to reach a multitude of youth in the surrounding areas. With your help and support we will collectively reach and serve the youth within our community with health and nutritional needs and supply them with school supplies for the beginning of every school year.




Community service is often a requirement for high school graduation, not to mention critical to the college application process. Universities look for both service and international experience from applicants, so showing that you have community service hours abroad from a High School Special is a way to set yourself above the rest on a college application.  Adonai allows an opportunity for students apply their time volunteering with Projects.


From the classroom, to the cafeteria, to the playground, schools are hosting healthy events and engaging volunteers to build healthy school environments. You are part of a community movement working to make schools healthier places, so kids can learn to eat right, be physically active and be equipped for success. Why is that so important? Because research shows, healthy kids are better learners.


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